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News from 21.01.2016

New environmentally friendly primer for Polyethylen (PE) in the portfolio of TRAMACO

TRAMACO has developed two environmentally friendly products and thereby has expanded its portfolio by the adhesion promoter TRAPYLEN® 9703 W and the primer TRAPYLEN® 9700 W. Read more
News from 22.09.2015

Mário Coelho Quimica appointed as Market Development Partner in Portugal

On July, 1st 2015, ROMIRA appointed Mário Coelho Quimica as the Market Development Partner for Portugal. Founded in 1972 by Mr. Mário Coehlo, Mário Coelho Quimica is today one of the main family owned distribution companies in Portugal for the plastic and rubber market and part of the MC Group. Situated in Porto, the MC Group serves the Portuguese and Spanish market with 48 dedicated employees and… Read more
News from 09.09.2015

TRAMACO GmbH - Global network of distribution partners

Since 1973 TRAMACO GmbH has continuously built up a global network of distribution partners to market their branded product segment TRACEL®, TRAPYLEN® and TRAPUR® product lines as well as further chemical foaming agents, adhesion promoters and additives. In more than 50 countries TRAMACO offers county-specific consulting and support close to its’ international business partners. Qualified local… Read more
News from 31.08.2015

TRAMACO: New adhesion promoter for polyolefinic plastics

TRAMACO has extended its product group with TRAPYLEN® 146 S. The new product also has a molecular weight (MW) of approx. 110,000, but its chlorine content of 19 percent means that it is considerably more soluble in comparison with its forerunners. Read more
News from 24.08.2015

New Colour Competence Center: ROMIRA makes the world more colourful

ROMIRA is bundling its competencies: To meet the ever more demanding requirements of the plastics industry and the market, particularly in the automotive sector, ROMIRA has decided to optimise its organisational processes within the Group. For this reason, the company is opening the new Colour Competence Center on 1st July under the leadership of Dipl.-Chem. Julia Paul. Read more
News from 13.08.2015

ROWASOL is colouring up India

India is the world's largest democracy and is also one of the BRICS states (together with Brazil, Russia, China, and South Africa). These newly industrialised countries are distinguished by their extremely fastgrowing economies, remaining untouched by the global financial crisis. ROWASOL is now able to supply this huge market on the national scale and thus expand its market presence in Asia. Read more
News from 05.08.2015

ROMIRA impresses international trade fair visitors

Italy, China, USA... Trade show-goers from all over the world visited the ROMIRA stand at the Automotive Interiors Expo in Stuttgart that took place on 16 to 18 June. Read more

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